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Siu Index
July/August 2010 No 86

Protest over increments forces Aberdeen into talks

by Malcolm Burns

UNISON negotiators are back in talks with Aberdeen City Council after a campaign of protest forced the employers to step back from their plan to defer pay increments.

Karen Maxfield, Branch Secretary of Aberdeen City UNISON, said: “Withholding the increment is a breach of our contract, which the Council imposed on us only last year. If they defer, they won’t actually save any money at all because they will have to pay it next year instead.”

6,555 staff out of 8,962 should have received an increment on 1 April 2010. Aberdeen City UNISON branch has lodged over 400 claims over the proposal, and mounted a large public campaign in conjunction with other unions to persuade the Council not to withhold pay increments.

An effective ‘Lunchtime Lobby’ was held on 17 June at the Town House as the Council’s finance committee met to approve the controversial cost-saving measure, but then put off a decision to the full Council.

Karen Maxfield spoke to the full Council meeting on 30 June. She told the councillors: “UNISON’s legal advice is clear - we will win this even if this goes to the Court of Session. Councillors are being asked to gamble tens of thousands of pounds on, “may have a reasonable chance”.

Where will this money come from? Is this the best use of limited budgets? The Council again deferred a decision to allow for more negotiations.

Karen added: “This is important for our members, and also because we understand that other councils are looking to see what happens in Aberdeen over withholding increments, to see if they can copy the idea.” See the branch’s blog: aberdeencityunison. blogspot.com/ for updates.

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