Executive must come up with cash for equal pay
The STUC backed UNISON's call for the Scottish Executive
to fully fund a fair, equal pay scheme for Scottish Local
Government staff to match what had been done in other public
UNISON Scottish convenor Mike Kirby called for more funding
for councils so they can pay low-paid women compensation for
past pay discrimination, and modernise pay for the future.
Mike said, "So why is this motion moved by a middle-aged,
middle earnings male in a suit?
"Well, being middle-aged I can remember the seventies when
a political slogan said 'You're either part of the problem
or part of the solution to the problem - and given that part
of the solution to the problem of pay inequality will affect
all including middle-aged, middle earning males in suits -
that's why".
"The Equal Pay Act was enacted in 1970. 35 years on we still
await its promise. And eight years after an agreement we still
await the implementation of the proposed solution".
The Scottish Parliament Finance Committee has pinned the
blame for this 'travesty 'where it belongs. "This is not a
victimless crime. Low paid women in Scotland are £600m poorer
than they would be have been if councils had done their job
- no their legal duty."
"We know who is responsible. Will they sort it out in Local
Government, and avoid a similar travesty in Health and Higher
education?" asked Mike.
If this funding does not happen local authorities will be
forced to cut services, increase council tax and/or cut staff
pay and conditions, in order to pay millions in compensation
across Scotland.
The need to resolve the increasing equal pay bill is becoming
more pressing as time moves on. One-off payments achieved
through commercial law firms for a fee will neither deliver
fair equal pay schemes in authorities, nor will they help
people who do not wish to pursue individual claims.
The calls from the Finance Committee for the Minister to
fund equal pay in local government cannot be ignored.
"Only the Executive, with the councils, can move this forward",
said Mike.
UNISON's call was backed by the T&GWU and the GMB.
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