New Culture Bill is a 'missed opportunity'
Unions are to push the Scottish Executive to increase spending
on culture to 1% of its budget Backing an Equity and Musicians
Union move, UNISON's John Stevenson welcomed much of the Draft
Culture Bill but branded parts of it as a 'missed opportunity',
with 'laudable aims' not matched by the fine print.
"The watering down of Local Authority duties would mean they
would have little or no obligation to actually deliver on
the bill's aims", said John He slammed plans to repeal the
1887 Libraries Act which would, "open the door to hiving off
libraries and museums to pseudo-charitable and unaccountable
In Glasgow and Edinburgh, trusts already mean "Democratic
control and accountability have been replaced by buck passing".
He warned that the lack of funding was compounded by complex
guidance which could mean community planning projects would
never get off the ground.
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