40 per cent of over 60s could overpay for
With just 40 days remaining to the deadline for industry
roll out of Ofgem's Retail Market Review (RMR), Age Scotland
Enterprises is calling on energy customers to act now to ensure
they get the most from energy market reforms.
The Retail Market Review is being rolled out by Ofgem, the
industry regulator, and seeks to improve Britain’s energy
market for the benefit of all consumers.
** NB** However new research has revealed that 40 per cent
of over 60s don't realise that responsibility falls on the
consumer to take action when the new tariffs come into effect.
Energy customers could be placed on a standard tariff that
may not be the product best suited to their needs, nor the
cheapest, unless they proactively contact their supplier to
discuss their options.
The survey also found that more than half (57 per cent) of
over-60s remain unsure whether the Retail Market Review will
help their understanding of the energy market, and less than
one per cent (0.6 per cent) feel that the changes will bring
greater trust in providers.
Logan Steele, General Manager at Age Scotland Enterprises,
said: “The Retail Market Review is a huge change to
the energy sector and in the longer term will be good for
customers by simplifying energy tariffs.
But there is evidently more work to be done to ensure older
consumers are made aware of the changes that lie ahead. There
are currently 14.5 million people aged 60 and over in the
UK, more than 62 per cent of whom have never changed their
energy provider. It is consumers like this that we need to
make sure are aware of the imminent changes.
Age Scotland Enterprises has long championed ‘savvy
consumers’, empowering older people to shop around and
better manage their financial arrangements, and we encourage
people to take a proactive response to the Retail Market Review.
It is hugely important that those who are unsure of whether
their energy tariff will change, or are concerned at what
has happened to their tariff, should contact their energy
supplier to ensure that they are on the best tariff for them.”
Age Scotland Enterprises and its energy product provider
E.ON are communicating with their customers to tell them about
these changes regarding Age UK Energy tariffs and the importance
of proactively checking with their energy provider to ensure
that they are on the best deal.
Contact points for Age Scotland:
Silver Line Scotland
For information, advice and friendship, all day, every day.
0800 4 70 80 90
General Enquiries
Call this number if you want to get involved with our work.
0845 833 0200
Write to us
Causewayside House
160 Causewayside
Age UK is the main site for pensioners information in UK.
Most of this information covers Ireland Wales; England; and
Scotland, but some information can vary in Scotland. I will
always try to indicate which information is from Age UK, or
Age Scotland, but if in doubt I would suggest you call Age
Scotland first to see whether data is applicable in Scotland.