Date: Tues 4 May 2010
Parliament lobby over Scottish Education Funding Council threats
to Glasgow college
Staff from Glasgow’s Stow College will lobby the Scottish Parliament
on Tuesday 4 May as part of their campaign to save the threatened
college, which is facing removal of its funding unless a large
number of courses are transferred out of the college to the newly
merged City of Glasgow College.
The lobby organised by the education union, UNISON, will take
place at the Scottish Parliament between 11.30am and 1.00pm, and
it is hoped to meet a number of MSPs.
Stow College removed itself from the merger process involving
the Metropolitan College, and the other colleges planning to form
the new City of Glasgow College. Subsequent discussion over merger
with North Glasgow College are only at an early talks stage.
Jim Snell, UNISON Glasgow City Branch Service Conditions Officer
said “Despite the withdrawal of Stow from the merged college,
the Scottish Funding Council still wants certain courses and student
numbers to be delivered from within the new college structure.
It has now told Stow that to receive any grant this year it must
transfer a number of course and consequently students, to the
new college.
“However if Stow does this then it will be longer be a viable
college, so in essence it is being forced to the merger table
or to huge uncertainty. Members at Stow are scared by the Funding
Council’s threat to their future. This lobby has been arranged
as the start of a wider campaign to save Stow.”
The wider campaign will include the EIS and the STUC given that
Stow delivers a huge number of TU courses.
Information For Editors: Members of the college staff
will be available for interview at the lobby.