Date: 25 March 2010
Streamlined pay bargaining should be added to Public Service
Reform Bill - UNISON
Scotland's largest public service union - UNISON - is urging
MSPs to support a series of amendments to the Public Service Reform
Bill in today's debate in the Scottish Parliament.
The union is supporting a series of amendments to the Bill (nos
217 -222) that provide for one bargaining committee, covering
all Non Departmental Public Bodies, and Public Corporations. This
would streamline the large range of different pay negotiating
bodies in the sector and recognise the reality of the decision-making
process on public service pay.
Dave Watson, UNISON's Scottish organiser, said "Currently, the
number of processes any pay discussions have to go through, mean
that the bureaucracy constrains negotiations at local level, takes
too long, and has lead to many recent damaging disputes. We think
that, if the government is serious about streamlining and simplifying
the exercise of public functions, this is a clear and definite
step they could take."
Note for Editors:- UNISON is Scotland's largest public
service union, representing well over 160,000 workers working
in Scotland's public services. A briefing on the UNISON supported
amendments is available on the website at