Date: Thursday 29 July 2010
UNISON rejects unwise prescription for assault on public services – initial response to Independent Budget Review
UNISON today rejected the prescription of the Independent Budget Review for an assault on Scotland’s public services and privatising Scottish Water.
Scottish Organiser Glyn Hawker said that the report trots out the same tired old dogma that ordinary people need to pay the price for a financial crisis they did not create.
Glyn added: “Crawford Beveridge said in March that we faced Sophie’s Choice and there is no way to implement these cuts without causing great pain. These proposals are unwise, will cause great pain and we think the people of Scotland will reject this approach.
“UNISON Scotland believes there is an alternative that politicians should be fighting for – an alternative that looks at what public services the Scottish people want in a decent society.
“We can afford quality services. We should not be hitting ordinary people with cuts to services they rely on, with cuts to pay and jobs and family income when bankers still pick up huge bonuses and don’t pay their fair share towards services we all rely on.
“These proposals will create a more unequal society. Crawford Beveridge said there are no silver bullets and the report says that we need to do more with less but we can’t. It will be less with less. And the end result is that the rich will be able to pay for services but middle and low income families will be hardest hit.”
Notes to Editors:
1. Glyn Hawker and other UNISON representatives are available for comment and reaction to the Independent Budget Review report.
2. A detailed response to the report will be issued later this afternoon.
3. UNISON responses to the report will be posted on our frequently updated blog here at: http://unison-scotland.blogspot.com/
4. UNISON’s alternative budget is at: www.unison.org.uk/acrobat/18887.pdf
5. UNISON’s submission to the Independent Budget Review is at: http://www.unison-scotland.org.uk/response/
6. Our news release ‘Removal of Scottish Water from democratic control would be unwise’ is at: www.unison-scotland.org.uk/news/2010/julyaug/2307a.htm
For Further Information Please Contact:
Glyn Hawker, Scottish Organiser (Bargaining & Equal Pay) 07876 441 237
Fiona Montgomery, Communications Officer 0141 342 2877 (o) 07908 672 890 (m)
Malcolm Burns, Communications Officer 0141 342 2877 (o) 07958 063 182 (m)
Stay in touch with UNISON Scotland's latest news releases on our website http://www.unison-scotland.org.uk/news/index.html and frequent updates on our blog http://unison-scotland.blogspot.com/