Date: Fri 26 Feb 2010
UNISON calls on SPT to recognize staff work
UNISON, the main union representing staff in Strathclyde Partnership
for Transport (SPT) is calling for the partnership meeting today
(Friday) to acknowledge the work put in by staff during the turmoil
caused by the high profile resignations of senior board members
and management.
Robert Rae (UNISON regional organiser) said "While the fallout
of expenses revelations and resignations continue to be played
out in the media, UNISON members within SPT continue to provide
a valuable service for the travelling public in Strathclyde. This
seems to have been overlooked in the current climate."
UNISON is calling upon the SPT officers at their meeting, and
their new chairperson, to acknowledge the commitment of their
Robert Rae said: "We would urge the officers of SPT to acknowledge
their staff's commitment to getting the job done. They are working
diligently providing a public service day in, day out despite
the issues at the top."