1 January 2009
New Year message from Matt Smith, UNISON Scottsh Secretary
To all UNISONScotland Branch Activists and Staff.
Dear Colleague,
New Year it is traditional to look forward with hope, to identify
opportunities and challenges ahead and to reaffirm our commitment
to the work our members do, and to the policies that we in UNISONScotland
At this time of economic downturn, it is ever more important
that we stress the essential work our members do and outline the
key role of public services in protecting the vulnerable, providing
the essential infrastructure and leading the way out of the economic
gloom created by the unrestrained and irresponsible actions of
financiers and others who direct global capital.
That these same people - having demanded that the public sector
to bail them out - now choose to attack our public services, those
who deliver them and those who depend on them means that UNISON
needs to speak up clearly for our members and their work. Some
have been queuing up to try and ensure that Scotland’s public
services, those who rely on them and especially those who work
in them, are penalised for the failures of the private sector.
Their attack on the minimum wage, and the constant demand to privatise
our public water supply are particularly despicable. UNISONScotland
intends to provide the leadership in defending and advancing the
case for our public services in the coming year.
UNISON does not forget that our members provide emergency cover
whilst most of us enjoy a break at this holiday time. They provide
essential care in homes and in the community, for those who cannot
care for themselves, and they ensure our essential services -
water, energy, safety, roads - continue to function over this
period. This work - along with other essential public services
- is too often ignored or dismissed.
Our public services also provide an effective and safe infrastructure
for the private sector to use. Whether this means cleansing, utilities,
transport networks, education and training, health and safety
or many other, this infrastructure will be essential if our damaged
economy is to return to any healthy state.
Our public services are very often crucial in ordering goods
and services to stimulate demand- especially in parts of the country
that have been forsaken by the private sector. Indeed when private
financiers refuse to invest it is the public sector that provides
that essential capital.
This is why a healthy public service sector is essential in paving
our way out of the economic downturn. The public sector is an
essential driver for economic growth.
Of course, in order for these services to deliver as effectively
as they should, we need to ensure that those providing the services
are properly trained and resourced, that they are all treated
fairly and equally, and that there are enough employed to cover
the services. In doing this we will take no lessons from the people
who seek to undermine and degrade the conditions and pay of their
own private sector workforce, whilst ensuring that their own pay,
bonuses and gold-plated pensions are protected.
We will lose no opportunity to make these arguments clear in
the coming year, to stand up for our members and the services
they provide. Please join with us in defending and advancing our
public services, please feel free to circulate this letter to
all your activists and members and to use, if helpful, in recruiting
non-members to UNISON.
Please accept my thanks for the work you have already done on
their behalf, and my best wishes for you, your families and friends
for the year ahead.
Sincerely yours,
Matt Smith
Scottish Secretary
14, West Campbell Street,
Glasgow, G2 6RX
T 0845 355 0845