Date: Thurs 2 October 2008
Free school meals welcome, but councils need funds to provide
the service
UNISON Scotland today welcomed the rollout of free school meals
for pupils in primary 1-3, but warned that without proper funding,
councils will struggle to deliver this vital service. In addition
the union warned, that councils with PFI schools may not have the
facilities to deliver, or the flexibility to cover the extra within
the contracts.
Dave Watson, Scottish Organiser, said "UNISON has long argued on
health and poverty grounds that we should be providing free school
meals for all children. We are pleased that the Scottish Government
now wants to extend the pilots nationally.
"However, we have serious concerns about the pressures on local
government finance and the announcement seems to make no mention
of the extra costs involved. If the Scottish Government is serious
about children's health and wellbeing, it must put its money where
its mouth is. Otherwise the success of the rollout seems at serious
risk. UNISON also warned that - where Schools were built and run
under PFI contracts - inflexible contracts may mean expensive renegotiations.
Dave said "Contracts with private companies will have been based
on the take up of school meals under the old system. If free meals
lead to the major increase in take up that these pilots have indicated,
will the contracts allow for this, and will there be the staff and
space to cope? There may be some expensive contract renegotiation
UNISON is keen to see the provision of free school meals introduced,
and believes that the evaluation of the pilots in Scotland provides
strong evidence in support of the universal provision of free school
meals. The trial resulted in significantly increased uptake of school
meals among the target group of P1-P3 pupils not free school meal
(FSM) registered - from 41per cent to 69per cent, and the uptake
amongst registered FSM pupils also increased - both in the target
group and in older pupils.
Dave added, "Investing now in nutritious meals for children provides
a range of important health, educational and social benefits, and
also will save on future costs to the NHS by reducing obesity and
other health problems. Indeed the costs of NOT introducing this
measure, would be seriously damaging to the Scottish health service
and indeed to the Scottish economy."
For Further Information Please Contact: Dave Watson (Scottish
Organiser)- 07958 122 409 (m) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer)
- 07715 583 729 (m)
NOTES TO EDITORS UNISON Scotland launched a Food for Good
Charter earlier this year, promoting fresh healthy & sustainable
food provision across the public sector.
UNISON produced a briefing for MSPs in October 2007, urging them
to support the pilot schemes which are now being rolled out.