Date: 15 Dec 2008
UNISON welcomes Committee backing for Health Board Elections
UNISONScotland today, welcomed the report of the Scottish Parliament's
Health and Sport committee, which gives conditional backing to
the Government Bill introducing directly elected members to Scottish
Health Boards.
The union, which is the largest in the Health Service, backed
a previous private members bill on the topic.
Dave Watson, UNISON's Scottish Organiser said "Although the committee's
support is conditional, their backing for the pilot projects proposed
in the bill, is positive. Since it was created in 1948, the NHS
has not been directly accountable to or engaged with the public.
It has been a top-down organisation, -a 'we-know-best' organisation
that thinks that all the issues are far too complicated for mere
mortals to understand and that democracy is therefore not appropriate.
We have to change that culture, and that is why we need direct
For Further Information Please Contact: Dave Watson (Scottish
Organiser) 07958 122 409(m) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer)
07715 583 729 (m)