Friday, December 05, 2008
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland welcomes Scottish Climate Change
Stop Climate Chaos Scotland – the leading coalition of environment,
faith and development organisations – welcomes the Climate Change
Bill introduced to the Scottish Parliament and calls on all MSPs
to ensure it becomes a genuinely world leading piece of legislation.
Stop Climate Chaos includes UNISON Scotland amongst its main supporters.
Mike Robinson, Chair of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland said, ‘The
Scottish Government had more than 21,000 people respond to its
consultation process, and Stop Climate Chaos Scotland welcomes
this strong Scottish Climate Change Bill with enthusiasm. This
Bill could be the most significant for a generation and is warmly
welcomed by the members of more than 30 of Scotland’s most respected
organisations campaigning on climate change.
‘But, as Lord Turner’s report for the UK Climate Committee showed
on Monday, there is no reason to back down, and every reason to
be even more ambitious in investing for a green economy. ‘We call
upon MSPs from all parties to back strong measures already in
the bill, and to work constructively to improve it further so
it becomes genuinely world leading legislation.
‘Poor people around the world are already feeling the real impacts
of climate change – changing weather patterns undermine their
ways of life while increased disasters threaten their lives. Our
natural environment is already showing changes and heralding the
devastating problems ahead if we don't cut greenhouse gas emissions.
Scotland has had huge benefit from fossil-fuel based energy; we
can and should be leading efforts to shift to a more efficient
and sustainable low-carbon economy.’
For more press information please contact: Claire
Aston, Christian Aid on 0131 240 1523; 07961 303481 or
or Mandy Carter, WWF Scotland on 01350 728200; 07771 818677 or
For more information about Stop Climate Chaos Scotland,
please contact: Ruth Dawkins, SCCS on 0131 311 6512, 07790 386
329 or
Notes to editors
1. Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS) is a diverse, growing coalition
of organisations campaigning on climate change. The SCCS Coalition
has 40 Scottish members, representing more than 1.5 million supporters,
ranging from environment and development groups to faith organisations,
trade unions, student societies, care providers and many more.
For full details visit
2. SCCS will be holding a Climate Change Rally in April 2009.
All coalition members and their supporters are being encouraged
to spring into action for a strong Scottish Climate Change Bill.
We will be gathering to lobby MSPs outside the Scottish Parliament,
from 11am – 2pm, on Wednesday 22nd April 2009. For further details
of the rally contact SCCS Co-ordinator Ruth Dawkins (contact details
3. SCCS is calling for the Scottish Climate Change Bill to:
* Set a target to cut all greenhouse gas emissions by at least
80% by 2050
* Establish statutory annual targets to reduce emissions by
at least 3% year on year
* Include all emissions from international aviation and shipping
in the targets.