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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


Date:Thurs 27 March 2008

UNISON urges boost for Scottish Climate Change Bill.

UNISONScotland, Scotland's biggest public services union, today called on the Scottish Government to ensure that the public sector leads by example in tackling global warming.

The union, that represents thousands of people working in the public sector protecting our environment, has also set up a ‘green link' on its website allowing members to respond directly to the Government's proposed Scottish Climate Change Bill.

UNISON wants to see four key commitments in the Scottish Climate Change Bill, including green workplace action. Scottish Organiser Dave Watson is urging members, branches and the general public to support the four ‘asks' and ensure that the Government uses public sector organisations to lead the campaign.

He said: "More CO2 emissions are generated in the workplace than the home. Public services have a vital role to play and the bill should ensure that the public sector leads by example. "We want to see a strong bill that also gives powers to Scottish Ministers to issue regulations and guidance to promote negotiated green workplace agreements.”

UNISON, a member of Stop Climate Chaos Scotland (SCCS), said that the bill can make Scotland a world leader in tackling global warming, if it:

* reduces greenhouse gas emissions by at least 80% by 2050. * sets statutory targets of at least 3% year-on-year emission reductions.

* includes emissions from international aviation and shipping in the reduction targets.

* sets strong targets for the public sector to lead by example, with negotiated green workplace action.

The union is also co-sponsoring a fringe meeting alongside environmental campaigning groups and fellow SCCS members, WWF and the World Development Movement, at the Scottish Labour Party Conference this weekend.

ENDS Notes to editors:

1. UNISON Scotland's Briefing on a stronger bill and a link to send a response supporting the four ‘asks' are at: www.unison-scotland.org.uk/greenworkplace

2. The Scottish Government consultation ends on 23 April 2008. 3. Stop Climate Chaos Scotland is a coalition of environment and development groups, faith groups, humanitarian organisations, women's groups, trade unions and many others: www.stopclimatechaosscotland.org

4.The Labour Conference fringe takes place in Aviemore at Saturday lunchtime.

For Further Information Please Contact: Dave Watson (Scottish Organiser) 0870 7777 006 (w) 07958 122 409 (m) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0870 7777 006(w) 0771 558 3729(m)
