Date: Fri 18 Jan 2008
Hospital car parking charge guidance step forward - UNISON comment
UNISON, Scotland's health care union, today gave a cautious welcome
to the Government guidelines on hospital car parking charges issued
today to health boards.
The union particularly welcomed the instruction to the NHS to operate
a presumption against charging, and pledged to raise the issue with
NHS boards where charging has been introduced at an early stage.
However the union said they were disappointed that the maximum charge
outlined by the Cabinet secretary was too high, and that they were
particularly angry that PFI contracts were not yet covered by this
Tom Waterson, Chair of UNISON's Scottish Health Group said, "This
guidance deserves two-cheers. It is welcome that the Cabinet Secretary
has recognised the need to cut the car parking charges that have
become a tax on the sick in too many hospitals in Scotland. We will
be using it to set out to these boards the procedures they now need
to adopt to reduce and eliminate punitive charges. Even £3 per day,
is a significant amount, if you are low-paid or have to visit a
hospital regularly."
"It is also welcome that directly-run and commercially run car
parks are covered, but we see no reason why PFI hospitals should
be exempt and will be urging the Government to bring them under
the same controls as soon as possible. Private companies should
not be profiteering from staff going to work and relatives visiting
For Further Information Please Contact: Tom Waterson (Chair
UNISONScotland Health Group) 07753 627 575(m) Chris Bartter (Communications
Officer) 0771 558 3729(m)