Date: 9 Feb 2008
UNISON UK president calls for increased anti-racist campaigning
The UK president of UNISON, Scotland's public service union, will
today (Saturday) call for the work the union does in combating racism
across the UK to be increased.
The union's Scottish Council, comprising delegates from Branches
across Scotland and meeting in Glasgow today (Saturday), will hear
UK President Norma Stephenson, from Stockton-on-Tees, congratulate
UNISONScotland for the campaigning they did against the British
National Party in the last Scottish elections, preventing the right-wing
party from gaining a foothold in Scotland.
She will go on to call for the union to join with the anti-racist
charity - Show Racism the Red Card - to extend the union's message
to the general public.
Norma Stephenson, UNISON's President, will say. "I am proud of
UNISON's record in opposition to racism, and this is a campaign
that I have put my energies into over the years. I am particularly
heartened to see that the BNP have no political foothold in Scotland,
and proud of the action that you in UNISONScotland took to deliver
"As both an anti-racist campaigner and a football supporter, I
want all UNISON branches - and as many members as possible - to
sign up to back Show Racism the Red Card and join branches like
South Ayrshire, Stirling and Perth & Kinross in promoting their
work in football."
Norma will also warn that the effect of the Scottish Government's
recent budget was likely to lead to challenges for the union especially
in the government's apparent enthusiasm for Shared Services as a
panacea, and condemned the new government for moving away from their
promise to get rid of PFI.
She said "Private sector consultants are lining up to sell shared
services as a quick fix to meet financial targets, but there is
no quick fix. The history of shared services in the public sector
is one of high costs, centralisation and job losses. It must be
very disappointing to you that the Scottish Government - who promised
to get rid of PFI, has now come up with a PFI-Lite solution - the
Scottish Futures trust - that offers little to end this waste of
public money."
Note for Editors:- UNISON is Scotland's largest public service
union, representing well over 160,000 workers working in Scotland's
public services. We have long campaigned against racism and against
PFI/PPP and have recently issued warnings on Shared Services - see
Norma Stephenson, 51, is a healthcare assistant for Tees, Esk
& Wear Valley NHS Trust, was elected to the union's highest lay
position in July 2007. Norma joined the union as soon as she started
work, quickly became involved, and has held virtually every union
post since then. A member of the UNISON national executive council
for the past eight years, she was elected to the Labour Party national
executive four years ago. She chairs Labour's women, race and equality
For Further Information Please Contact: Mike Kirby (Scottish
Convenor) 07803 952 261(m) Matt Smith (Scottish Secretary) 07771
548 997 (m) Dave Watson (Scottish Organiser - Policy) 07958 122
409(m) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0771 558 3729(m)