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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


Date: Monday 26 November 2007

Missing pension info - why are staff being kept in the dark? UNISON demands answers

Health Service union UNISON, is demanding answers to a series of questions from NHSGGC Chief Executive Tom Divers after it came to light in national media outlets over the week-end that a package containing personal financial and employment data had gone missing between the Scottish Public Pensions Agency and NHSGGC.

UNISON Regional Organiser for NHS Glasgow and Clyde, Matt McLaughlin said,

"It is totally unacceptable that personal information has gone missing and no one thought to tell the staff who are affected by this. Someone inside NHSGGC needs to demonstrate that they are on top of this issue and that they are looking after the interests of their workforce." He added, "Some media sources have suggested that the employers, the Pensions Agency and the Scottish Government have known about this for a month. UNISON wants to know if this is the case and why no one told the people affected by it."

In a strongly worded letter to Tom Divers, Matt says, "Put simply our members I believe that our members are entitled to know:

  • who knew what and when they new it;
  • what action was taken to find the lost data,
  • why no one thought it was important to notify them that data containing information personal to them had been lost.
  • what action NHSGGC, SPPA and the Scottish Government intend to take to resolve this matter.

It is unacceptable to UNISON that our members personal and presumably financial details have been treated in such a shoddy manner. It is equally unacceptable that our members have learned of this matter from the media, rather that the Scottish Public Pensions Agency; NHSGGC or indeed the Scottish Government."


For Further Information Please Contact: Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0870 7777 006(w) 0771 558 3729(m) Matt McLaughlin (Regional Organiser) 0870 7777 006 (w) 07904341979
