Date: 21 December 2007
Two Cheers for hospital car parking report - UNISON
UNISON, Scotland's health care union, today gave a cautious welcome
to the Government announcement that hospital car parking in Scotland
'should be free' and pledged to raise the issue with NHS boards
where charging has been introduced early in the New Year.
Regional Officer Matt McLaughlin said, "It is welcome that the
Cabinet Secretary has recognised the need to cut the car parking
charges that have become a tax on the sick in too many hospitals
in Glasgow & Clyde. We look forward to the guidance in the New Year
on the steps that NHS boards must take before contemplating charges,
and the criteria to be used by Boards in issuing staff permits.
"We will be pointing out that the system in Glasgow has not been
introduced in line with these procedures."
Tom Waterson, Chair of UNISONScotland's Health Service Group and
of the union's Lothian Health branch said "We will also be urging
the Government to bring all PFI hospitals under the same controls
as soon as possible. Private companies should not be profiteering
from staff going to work and relatives visiting patients"
For Further Information Please Contact: Matt McLaughlin
(Regional Organiser) 0870 7777 006 (w) 07904341979 Tom Waterson
(Chair - Health Service group) 07753 627 575 (m) Chris Bartter (Communications
Officer) 0870 7777 006(w) 0771 558 3729(m)