Date: 27 August 2007
UNISON welcomes success in anti-relocation campaign
UNISONScotland, the union that represents staff in the Special
Health Boards, today welcomed the announcement that relocation of
the Boards' Edinburgh staff will not now go ahead.
Aileen Stewart (UNISON's Scottish Healthcare Branch Secretary)
said "UNISON has fought against this unnecessary and expensive policy
for a number of years and even up until last week continued to lobby
the current Cabinet Secretary.
"We are pleased that our campaign has been successful. The
Health Boards affected are NHS Education for Scotland, NHS Health
Scotland, NHS Quality Improvement Scotland and Glasgow-based NHS
National Services Scotland (NSS) staff. UNISON is keen to point
out that their campaign was based on the impact on these particular
relocations, not on a policy of opposition to relocation.
"In these specific cases,” said Aileen, "Relocation of already
widely dispersed NHS services made little sense, and threatened
disruption to the service and expense, increased travel times and
potential job loss for staff.” UNISON will continue to work with
management to ensure that staff already employed in the new locations,
on the basis of the previous decision to relocate, as well as those
who work in NHS NSS in Glasgow, have any impact on them addressed
quickly and without detriment.
Note for editors: UNISON organises most occupations in
Scotland's NHS, including senior managers, admin and clerical, nursing,
allied health professionals and ancillary staff.
For Further Information Please Contact: Aileen Stewart
(Branch secretary - Scottish Healthcare Br) 07974 748 791(m) David
Forbes (Regional Organiser) 0131 226 0059(w) 07985 121 397(m) Chris
Bartter (Communications Officer) 0771 558 3729(m)