Date: 7 July 2007
Scottish UNISON seeks greater powers for Scottish Parliament
UNISON, Scotland's largest public service union, will today argue
at the union's LabourLink forum in Manchester, that the union should
throw its weight in the Labour Party behind greater powers for the
Scottish Parliament.
Alan Cowan, UNISONScotland's representative on the union's national
LabourLink committee said "It is clear that there have been many
positive achievements delivered by the Scottish Parliament in its
eight year history. As we start a third term it is an appropriate
time to take stock of other areas that could profitably be devolved.
After all, it was our first First Minister, Donald Dewar, who said
that devolution was a process, not an event."
UNISONScotland is suggesting that the current position has restricted
the ability of the Scottish Parliament to promote policies and practices
that would benefit Scotland. They want the union to campaign within
the Party's Policy Forum for greater powers to be devolved.
Alan said "The areas of equal opportunities, energy, council tax
benefit, pensions and immigration are all areas where greater devolution
could have allowed the Scottish Parliament to make some very progressive
decisions for Scotland. Of course there are also areas such as broadcasting
which we have always thought should be devolved."
Note to editors UNISON's LabourLink forum is the annual
meeting of LabourLink delegates from UNISON branches across the
For Further Information Please Contact: Alan Cowan (Scottish
rep to UK LabourLink cttee) 07859 813 341 (m) Dave Watson (Scottish
Organiser) 07958 122 409(m)