Date Friday 23 Feb 2007
UNISONScotland leader speaks out on Trident
Matt Smith, Scottish Secretary of the country's largest trade
union, UNISON, will tomorrow (Saturday) call on the Government to
abandon its plans to replace the Trident nuclear fleet.
Matt will be one of the speakers at the 'Bin the Bomb' demonstration
in Glasgow tomorrow (24 February) organised by Scotland's 4 Peace
, and Scottish CND "The possession of these weapons of mass destruction
is unethical, unnecessary and expensive"
Matt will say. "we have a world of unmet needs - of poverty and
hunger - of war and destruction. There are so many needs that we
have to fund, replacing Trident is not one of them. At a time that
Government here and in the UK are looking for the most efficient
use of public money, it is clearly a very poor use of that money
to spend it on new nuclear weapons. We call on the government to
draw back from this step, and on our representatives in Parliament
to vote against it."
UNISON has long had a policy of opposition to the possession of
nuclear weapons, and has given much support to the campaign. Other
prominent speakers will also address the Rally tomorrow in George
Square at 1.00pm, including Cardinal Keith Patrick O'Brien, Rt Rev
Alan McDonald (Moderator, Church of Scotland), Alex Salmond MP,
Katy Clark MP, Malcolm Chisholm MSP, Chris Ballance MSP, Rosie Kane
MSP, Tommy Sheridan MSP, Pat Smith (Stop the War).
For Further Information Please Contact: Matt Smith (Scottish
Secretary) 07771 548 997(m) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer)
0771 558 3729(m)