Date 10 February 2007
Sharing public services may threaten public accountability -
UNISON, Scotland's largest trade union will today express its
concern about the potential that the Scottish Executive's 'shared
services agenda' may have to take services away from local control.
The union's Scottish Council meets in Glasgow today, and will debate
a motion critical of the potential impact of shared services on
democracy, jobs and services put forward by the union's City of
Edinburgh Branch.
Shared services are where two or more statutory authorities agree
to jointly run some of their services. Currently there are a number
of different initiatives involving councils, health boards, police
authorities and other bodies at different stages of development
in different parts of Scotland. These larger functions are then
often more at risk of privatisation.
John Ross, Service Conditions Officer in UNISON's City of Edinburgh
Branch said "We believe this will lead to a deficiency in democratic
accountability, will place jobs at risk and will have the potential
to damage the link between public services and the communities which
they serve. We've already seen what hiving off services to leisure
trusts does for accountability, if there are a range of potential
'employers' and authorities to pass the buck around, it would be
a recipe for confusion, centralisation and potential privatisation."
Matt Smith, UNISON's Scottish Secretary said "Whilst UNISON members
are committed to the efficient provision of services, we don't believe
that this is likely to happen if services are removed form the influence
of the communities they serve. The threatened move of all Glasgow's
Cultural and Leisure function from elected control to a private
Trust shows how easily authorities can move services away from the
control of the people in the City. The different ways that similar
initiatives are being planned across Scotland and across services
is leading to considerable confusion."
The union will set up a survey to establish the different initiatives
going on across Scotland and use the results to draw up a framework
to defend services from centralisation
Note for Editors:- UNISON is Scotland's major public service union,
representing around 170,000 workers working for Scotland's public
services. The union's Scottish Council (comprising delegates from
UNISON branches from across Scotland) will meet at 10.30 am in the
City Halls, Candleriggs, Glasgow. Interviews with delegates and
officers can be arranged via Chris Bartter (below).
For Further Information Please Contact: Matt Smith (Scottish
Secretary) 07771 548 997 (m) John Stevenson (City of Edinburgh Branch
Chair) 07876 795 018(m) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0771
558 3729(m)