Date: 30 Jun 2006
Public service jobs deliver services and drive economy - UNISON
responds to Executive comments
UNISON - Scotland's public service union - today
welcomed the slight increase in public service jobs as a step towards
delivering better services for the people of Scotland.
The union also pointed out that recent research
showed that the public sector was an important driver of the Scottish
economy, rather than the drain that the CBI and other business commentators
Dave Watson, UNISON's Scottish Organiser (Policy)
said "As the Minister says, these extra jobs have helped to deliver
new services in Scotland. These are important steps towards revitalising
our public services. However, there are still many areas of public
services - like social work, nursing, other healthcare services
and indeed many vital background services - where recruitment remains
a problem and we need to address the best way of filling those jobs,
so we can continue to improve the delivery of services. These are
views that we will be putting forward into Mr McCabe's discussion."
UNISON has long been clear that the public sector
is an important driver of the Scottish economy, and recently commissioned
independent research* to investigate the evidence. It found that
not only was there little or no evidence to back the 'crowding-out'
theory, on the contrary the public sector had a key role to play
in promoting many aspects of economic growth.
Dave Watson said "The public sector provides roads,
healthcare, education and training, a legal framework and much other
infrastructure without which the private sector would be less efficient.
It also spends money in the private sector both through procurement
and via its workforce, and directly funds valuable research and
development. Both UNISON and the Minister agree on growing our economy.
The evidence is that this is helped to grow by public sector investment
and the services that our members provide."
Note for Editors:- *the report - Adding
Value, Public sector spending and Scotland's economic development
- is available on the UNISONScotland website at
For Further Information Please Contact:
Dave Watson (Scottish Organiser - Policy) 07958 122 409(m) Chris
Bartter (Communications Officer) 0771 558 3729(m)