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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


Date: 5 May 2006

Scotland's largest union sets out its agenda for elections

Scotland's largest union, UNISON, is to launch its manifesto for the 2007 Scottish Elections at a function to be held in the Ozone, Our Dynamic Earth, Holyrood Road, Edinburgh, from 12.00noon until 2.30pm on Wednesday 10 May 2006.

The manifesto - entitled We've been revitalising our public services - is timed to have the maximum impact in debate as the political parties discuss their own manifestos in the run up to the campaign, will be launched by UNISON's General Secretary, Dave Prentis. Also invited is First Minister Jack McConnell MSP, other Ministers and MSPs.

The event will be introduced by UNISON's Scottish Convenor Mike Kirby. You and your organisation are invited to be there. Please let Chris Bartter (below) know if you will be attending. Refreshments and a buffet will be provided.

"We plan to launch our manifesto,” Mike Kirby said, "At this event, in front of MSPs and their parliamentary researchers from across the political spectrum. We have made a considerable impact as the trade union that has been prepared to take our policies and debate them with politicians across the political spectrum. This is the next step in ensuring that the views of those who deliver public services are taken into account when parties draw up their policies for the election.”

UNISON has been at the forefront of trade union campaigning, especially at election times, and in previous elections has produced a manifesto, campaigned nationally and locally on UNISON policies and advertised in the press and on billboards.


Note for editors: The Manifesto - We have been Revitalising our Public Services - will also be available on the UNISONScotland website from Wednesday May 10. Dave Prentis, Mike Kirby and Scottish Secretary Matt Smith will be available for interview via Chris Bartter, below.

For Further Information Please Contact: Matt Smith (Scottish Secretary) 07771 548 997(m) Mike Kirby (Scottish Convenor) 07803 952 261 (m) Dave Watson (Scottish Organiser - Policy) 07958 122 409(m) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0771 558 3729(m)
