Date: 31 March 2006
UNISON's Scottish Council discuss pension dispute
UNISON's Scottish Council meeting, where UNISON branches from
across Scotland will be represented, takes place at 10.30am on Saturday
I April in the Refectory Building, Glasgow Caledonian University,
Glasgow. After this meeting at 12.30, Branches will discuss planned
action and potential future action in the pension dispute.
In particular they will discuss the forthcoming Meat Inspectors'
strike, and the next all out one day strike scheduled for Wednesday
April 26. Mike Kirby and other officials will be available for interview
before and after the meeting. Contact Chris Bartter (below) for
Mike Kirby, UNISON's Scottish Convenor, said "Following the successful
action on 28 March we now plan to take action as part of a UK-wide
rolling programme on 26 April along with Wales and Northern Ireland.
Nations and regions in the UK will take action during the three
days from the 25 -27 April.
"We will be hearing from our colleagues in the MHS who exemplify
the unfairness of these government actions, and who will be striking
for the week beginning 3 - 7 April.
"No-one wants this disruption to continue, but until the Governments
come up with the solutions that we all know are in their hands,
we have little choice. We will not allow our LGPS members to be
discriminated against compared with other public service workers.”
The union will also be discussing other major issues, such as the
policies the union will adopt in the run up to the next election.
For Further Information Please Contact: Mike Kirby (Scottish
Convenor) 07803952261 (m) Matt Smith (Scottish Secretary) 07771
548 997 Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0771 558 3729(m)
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