Date: Weds 11 January 2006
Prescription charges should go - UNISON
UNISON welcomes Health Committee Report
UNISON, Scotland's largest healthcare union today welcomed the
report of the Scottish Parliament's health committee, recommending
abolition of prescription charges.
Tom Waterson, Chair of the UNISONScotland Health Service Group,
said "UNISON Scotland welcomes the findings of the Health Committee.
We believe prescription charges to be inherently unfair, inequitable,
illogical and inconsistent.
"Our members that work in primary care tell us that patients often
stop taking medication due to cost, and we urge all MSPs to respond
positively, follow the example of the Welsh Assembly and pass legislation
to abolish all prescription charges in Scotland."
For Further Information Please Contact: Tom Waterson (Chair
- Health Group) 07753 627 575 (m) Dave Watson (Scottish Organiser)
07958 122 409 (m) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0771 558