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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


Date: Weds 4 January 2006


UNISON General Secretary, Dave Prentis, reacting to Conservative Leader David Cameronıs NHS "pledges", said: "This is all spin and no substance. Margaret Thatcher, the baroness of spin, conned the electorate by claiming the NHS would be safe in her hands ­ but she left it on its knees. Cameron will be no different, despite his protestations.

"The notion that there has been some sort of policy u-turn by the Tories on the NHS cannot be borne out by the facts. We have the most effective way of collecting revenue for the NHS anywhere in the world. Itıs the cheapest way, the best value for money, the most efficient and it would be impossible for any Government, no matter how right wing, to change to an insurance based system. Cameron knows that and is now just stating the obvious.

"We know that the Tories would try to privatise the NHS; we know that they want to cut the amount of money we spend on providing quality public services ­ the NHS wonıt be safe in their hands".

And Matt Smith, UNISON's Scottish Secretary added "David Cameron's 'major changes' in Tory Health Policy amount to no more than putting the best face on the facts. Even then he has failed to recognise the differences in the system in Scotland and the fact that the health service here is devolved.

"Pursuing mythical notions of 'choice' and arguing for dangerous increases in the involvement of private firms in healthcare do nothing to tackle Scotland's needs for its health service."


For Further Information Please Contact: Matt Smith (Scottish Secretary) 07771 548 997 (m) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0771 558 3729(m)
