Date Monday 5 December
Supreme Court inflicts double race blow on City Council
Glasgow City Council last week lost two landmark
race discrimination claims at the courts of session.
You are invited to a press conference to hear the
workers describe their experience of challenging discrimination
within the council over a number of years.
There will also be speakers from UNISON, the workers
trade union and the Equality Commissions who will outline how this
changes the rights of all discrimination victims in Scotland and
the demands now being placed on the beleaguered city council.
Venue: UNISON House, 14 West Campbell Street, Glasgow
G2 6RX Date: Monday 5th Dec Time: 9.00 am Speakers: Kuldip Dhesi
Clarence Bvunsai Peter Hunter - UNISONScotland Legal Officer Muriel
Robison - EOC
For Further Information Please Contact: Peter
Hunter (Legal Officer) 0845 355 0845(w) 07740 167 777(m) Chris Bartter(Communications
Officer) 0845 355 0845(w) 0771 558 3729(m)