Date: 28 June 2005
In response to todays announcement by the Deputy Minister of Finance
relocating the Special Health Boards - NHS Quality Improvement Scotland,
NHS Education and NHS Health Scotland from Edinburgh to Glasgow,
UNISON - Scotland's Health Care union - said that they are strongly
opposed to enforced mass relocation of NHS Staff.
The union believes this will result in compulsory redundancy, despite
what the Minister says. Many staff will be unable to afford the
extra costs of increased travelling time incurred and this will
make the move unacceptable to a large section of the workforce.
David Forbes, UNISON Regional Officer said "These organisations
are already dispersed across Scotland and we believe money would
be better spent on more NHS Community Services in the relocated
Once again the Executive have ridden roughshod over partnership
working between NHS Employers and staff. Following last month's
abolition of Argyll & Clyde Health Board in the west, today is the
turn of eastern Scotland NHS employees to feel undervalued.
Aileen Stewart, Branch Secretary said "UNISON is not against new
jobs being located outwith Edinburgh but is fundamentally opposed
to existing committed NHS Employees being moved as political pawns".
UNISON will be looking into a range of options in campaigning against
this move, including a legal challenge. Other action is not ruled
out at this stage either.
For Further Information please contact: Aileen Stewart (UNISON
Branch Secretary) 07974 748 791(m) David Forbes (Regional Officer)
0131-226 0059(w)