Date: 24 May 2005
Social Work union to discuss range of issues- UNISON conference
will hear from Minister
UNISON, the union representing Scotland's Social Work staff will
hold a conference today (24 May 2005) in Glasgow. The conference
will bring together Social Work activists from across Scotland to
discuss a range of issues concerning social work staff. The conference
will also hear from Euan Robson MSP, Deputy Minister for Education
and Young People.
At a time when there is a range of initiatives and reviews going
on into various aspects in Social Work, UNISON will discuss the
interim report of the 21 Century Social Work Review Group, and express
some concern about the comments made by the chair of the review.
Stephen Smellie, Chair of UNISON's Social Work Issues Group said
"There have also been some progressive aspects to the discussions
and the review. For example we are pleased that the National Workforce
Group has agreed to ask the 21st Century Review group to include
pay and remuneration in its work."
However the Conference will express the concern of social work
staff about the unacceptable level of violence they experience.
UNISON has already called for consistent central monitoring to be
established. The union also campaigned strongly against the creation
of a single correctional agency to take over Criminal Justice work,
and the conference will welcome the Executive's dropping of that
They will discuss the alternative options outlined to establish
local Community Justice Authorities incorporating a number of councils
to carry out a strategic role.
The Conference runs from 10.30 am - 3.30 pm on Tuesday 24 May in
the T&GWU offices, 290 Bath Street. Glasgow. You are welcome to
attend. Please contact Chris Bartter or Mandy McDowall, below.
For Further Information Please Contact: Stephen Smellie
(Chair - Soc Wk Issues Gp) 07740 096 864 (m) Mandy McDowall (Regional
Officer) 0845 355 0845(w) 07973 931 318 (m) Chris Bartter (Communications
Officer) 0845 355 0845(w) 0771 558 3729(m)