Date: 17 May 2005
Public service delivery is more efficient, not 'pointless'
- UNISON comment on Tom McCabe criticism
UNISONScotland, the public service union today pointed out that
far from 'pointless' as the Minister for Finance and Public Service
Reform said in his speech to the Infrastructure Investment in Scotland
conference in Edinburgh, the debate over whether the public or private
sector is best placed to deliver public services is the key to efficient
public services.
Matt Smith, UNISON's Scottish Secretary, said 'We welcome the Executive's
commitment to the provision of public services and their greatly
increased expenditure. Investment in the infrastructure is significant
to all of Scotland and we want to continue to work with Ministers
to ensure the maximum return.
"However it is far from 'pointless' as the Minister says, to debate
the most efficient method of delivering our public services. For
example, last Friday, a research project commissioned by the Executive
itself highlighted a number of problems with PPP projects, including:
- lack of flexibility; cost of changes to services; problems caused
because staff are employed by different bodies; needing to create
large projects for financial viability and reducing levels of competition.
"The Executive requires to provide a level playing field to allow
authorities to choose between public and private provision. Too
often we are left with PPP as the only option. So long as that happens,
the argument for more efficient public sector delivery will continue
to be made."
For Further Information Please Contact: Matt Smith (Scottish
Secretary) 0845 355 0845(o) 07771 548 997(m Chris Bartter (Communications
Officer): 0870 7777006(o) 07715 583 729(m)