Date: Tues 10 May 2005
Booklet adds to anti-racist arguments for public service staff
UNISON, Scotland's public service union, today (Tuesday),
announced the publication of a new booklet and leaflet that address
the myths and inaccuracies commonly held by people in Scotland.
The booklet, titled The Asylum Myths, is targeted at public
service workers and deals not only with the 'myths' but also identifies
the far-right organisations that try to promote inaccurate information
about migrants to further their own racist ideologies. The publication
is part of the union's Opposing Racism action plan. Along with an
innovative refugee mentoring project - New Workers, and campaigning
against the BNP and other racist parties at elections.
The launch will take place at UNISON's Scottish Committee,
who will be meeting in Glasgow.
Mike Kirby, UNISON's Scottish Convenor said
"This booklet attempts to address the racist lies
of the BNP and other far-right parties head-on. We want our members
to know the facts about immigration, and the positive benefits it
can have for Scotland.
"If it wasn't enough to have the BNP peddling
their race-hate here in Glasgow during the elections - we now have
mainstream parties attempting to play on misguided fears over asylum
and immigration, so this booklet could not be more timely.
"UNISON is challenging these lies and tell the truth
about the valuable contribution that Scotland's diverse communities
make to Scotland as a whole. This booklet forms part of UNISON's
ongoing campaign. It contains valuable information that will support
you in your work challenging the lies.
The booklet and its accompanying leaflet address common
misconceptions about immigration, including "we're full up, we can't
take any more", "they're taking our jobs", and "They're a drain
on taxes", and points out the true situation (for example that without
migrant workers taxes would have to rise by 1p in the pound - according
to the Home Office).
It will now be sent out to UNISONScotland's over 80
branches and used to challenge attitudes and misinformation that
might come up in the workplace.
[Note for Editors - The Asylum Myths and the
accompanying leaflet are available from Kevin O'Neil or Dave Watson
- below, or it will be on UNISONScotland's website from Tuesday
10 May.
For Further Information Please Contact:
Mike Kirby (Scottish Convenor) 0845 355 0845(w) 07803
952 261 (m)
Kevin O'Neil (Information Development officer) 0845 355 0845(w)
Dave Watson (Scottish Organiser-Policy & Info)
0845 355 0845(w) 07787 558 410(m)