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Communications Index | Press releases | Scotland inUNISON | Campaigns


Date: Sat 9 April 2005

UNISONScotland to back G8 protests

UNISON, Scotland's largest union, is likely to agree today to give its backing to a variety of protest actions aimed at the G8 meeting in Scotland later this year.

The union's Scottish Council is meeting in Glasgow's Caledonian University today (Saturday) and will debate a motion and amendment giving support to:

- The huge Make Poverty History Demonstration and rally in Edinburgh on Saturday 2 July

- The G8 Alternatives Summit the following day,

- A protest at Faslane Nuclear Submarine base on 4 July.

UNISON's Scottish Council - involving hundreds of delegates from branches across Scotland - will meet at 10.30am on Saturday 9 April, in the Refectory of the Hamish Wood Building, Glasgow Caledonian University. If you wish to interview any of the participants or film/photograph the meeting, please contact Chris Bartter (below).

Mike Kirby, UNISON's Scottish Convenor said "UNISON has been an integral part of the organising of the Make Poverty History event. Trade union members wear the white bands urging 'Respect Workers Rights' as well. We will be urging UNISON members to attend the demonstration and be part of the giant human white band around Edinburgh, and committing financial backing to this event. We will also be part of the STUC mobilisation raising support from elsewhere in the trade union movement at the STUC Congress later this month. It is wholly in line with UNISON's aims to draw attention to increasing world poverty and inequality and to show that another world is possible."

The meeting is also likely also decide to back the peaceful alternative summit being organised by G8 Alternatives and the blockade of Faslane by SCND and Trident Ploughshares.

Michael Macneil, Secretary of UNISON's Scottish International Committee said "The alternative summit follows on from the European Social Forum last year. We want to ensure that the maximum number of people from across the world are able to take part in a range of peaceful protests. We want a New Global Deal to tackle issues of debt relief, trade negotiations and development funding."

More detail on the Make Poverty History campaign is available on a link from the UNISONScotland Website at http://www.unison-scotland.org.uk


For Further Information Please Contact: Mike Kirby (Scottish Convenor) 0845 355 0845(w) 07803 952 261(m) Matt Smith (Scottish Secretary) 0845 355 0845(w) 07771 548 997(m) Michael Macneil (Sec - Scott Int Rels Cttee) 0845 355 0845(w) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0845 355 0845(w) 0771 558 3729(m)
