Thurs 25 August 2005
First ever Scottish police staff strike starts
The first strike action in the history of Scotland's police staff
negotiations began at 00.01am Thursday 25 August, with the walkout
of control room staff, information assistants, reception and fingerprint
The strike is scheduled to run for 24 hours and was decided by
almost 4,000 police support staff who are members of UNISON, following
the failure of CoSLA, Scotland's Police employers, to make a pay
offer that reflects either the budget they have given their forces,
or the amount they have already agreed to pay local government staffs.
Peter Veldon UNISON Regional Organiser (Police) said. "It is deeply
disappointing that CoSLA have not improved their offer despite pressure
from all sides in this dispute. Their refusal to offer as much to
police staffs as they have already agreed to pay their own staff,
and their failure to even to use all the money that they gave to
forces for staff pay, have led to staff feeling frustrated, angry
and devalued.
"Police staff are crucial in providing effective policing in Scotland.
They have never before voted for strike action. However the obdurate
refusal of CoSLA to negotiate realistically means they have no other
There are around 4,000 unionised police staff in Scotland , delivering
professional, technical, and administrative back up to police officers
in control rooms, forensic science labs, at scenes of crimes, and
in police stations.
Cover has been agreed for emergencies, but it is clear that striking
staff will leave a major hole in police services and make clear
how vital their jobs are.
For Further Information Please Contact: Peter Veldon (Regional
Officer) 07969 478 254(m) Raymond Brown (Chair TU negotiators) 07050
200 504(m) Maureen Braid (Vice Chair TU Negotiators) 07723 051128(m)
Chris Bartter(Communications Officer) 0845 355 0845(w) 0771 558
Police Minisite