Date: 17 August 2005
Police staff vote two to one for strike over pay
The strike ballot of Scotland's police support called after pay
talks broke down last month, has resulted in a two-to-one vote in
favour of strike action said UNISON , the union that represents
Scotland's police staff today (Wednesday 17 August). A
lmost 70% voted for strike action after Scottish employers offered
only 2.95% and 2.5% for pay rises over the next two years. This
is the first strike action vote in the history of Scotland's police
staffs negotiations, and it comes on the day that the Police Support
Staffs Council (the Scottish Negotiating Body) meets in Edinburgh.
"This is a stunning vote that expresses exactly the frustration
that police staff feel." Said Raymond Brown, Chair of the trade
union negotiators. "It is especially frustrating as we know that
Chief Constables want to resolve this issue. And that police forces
can afford a better offer. We hope that our employers take the opportunity
today to improve an offer that has already been rejected."
Industrial action is due to begin later in August unless there
are further substantive approaches from employers. Other trade unions
in the negotiating panel are also believed to be moving towards
a ballot.
Peter Veldon UNISON Regional Organiser (Police) said. "Police staff
are crucial in providing effective policing in Scotland. They do
not want to strike. The fact that they have never voted for action
before proves that. However they have now said clearly they will
not lie down and be treated unfairly compared to other public sector
workers in Scotland. A decent offer is both affordable and fair,
to maintain otherwise is to devalue the work these staff do." T
here are almost 4,000 police staff in Scotland , delivering professional,
technical, administrative back up to police officers in control
rooms, forensic science labs, at scenes of crimes, and in police
Note for Editors: Police staffs voted by 68.6% to 31.4% to take
strike action in the dispute over the 2005-7 pay settlement. The
return was 46.4%. The meeting of the Police Staffs Council takes
place today at CoSLA in Edinburgh. Further details re any proposed
industrial action will be announced later.
Police Staff minisite