Date: Mon 4 Oct 2004 UNISON launches 'One in a million' recruitment
campaign with TV adScotland's largest union, UNISON, today launches their
£1m recruitment campaign. The campaign will feature a TV advert that will screen
first during Coronation Street on Weds 6 Oct and then run for three weeks. The
union also plans an awareness-raising exercise in the days running up to the advert,
with activists distributing postcards at a number of public venues including main
railway stations and major public service employers asking 'Are you one in a million?'
A variety of other recruitment publicity and events are planned. The
Launch will be at a Press Conference to be held in UNISON House, 14, West Campbell
Street, Glasgow at 10.00am on Monday 4 October. Present will be - Matt Smith,
UNISON's Scottish Secretary, Glyn Hawker, UNISON's Scottish Organiser for Organisation
and Development, and UNISON members who have direct cause to thank the union for
its support. In particular a UNISON member who has his job back
because of UNISON support and UNISON members who have benefited through the union's
pioneering promotion of workplace learning will be present at the launch and available
for interview. The new TV advert will be screened. Matt Smith said: "This
is a significant campaign that will also involve members, full time staff and
retired members. We aim to reach into the heart of Scotland's public services
and ensure that all staff are aware of, and have the opportunity to join, the
union that speaks up for them." Photographic opportunities and interviews
with officers and members of UNISON will be available. You are invited to be represented.
Please contact Chris Bartter (below) for details or to confirm attendance. UNISON
currently has 150,000 members across Scotland's public services. The union has
1.3million members UK-wide. ENDS Index |