Monday 13 Dec 2004
UNISON welcomes sentence on nurse attacker
UNISON, the largest union representing Scotland's health care
workers, today welcomed the strong sentence given to the attacker
of a nurse in the Western General Hospital in Edinburgh.
Jim Devine, UNISON's Scottish Organiser for Health said "We welcome
this sign that courts are beginning to treat assaults on public
service workers more seriously. This is in line with the six-point
plan against violence that UNISON outlined last year. There is a
growing trend of assaults throughout the public services and UNISON
will not stand back and allow this to become accepted. Whilst we
do not want to criminalise people it appears that some people will
only listen to this kind of sentence."
"We want to continue discussions with the Executive to ensure
that all public service staff who face this problem are given adequate
protection. And it is time for the Scottish Executive to implement
the UNISON action plan, including a staff charter."
For Further Information Please Contact: Jim Devine (Scottish Org
- Health) 0845 355 0845(w) 07876 441 239(m) Chris Bartter (Communications
Officer) 0845 355 0845(w) 0771 558 3729(m)