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Wednesday 12 May 2004

UNISON welcomes cleaning specifications

Scotland's healthcare union, UNISON welcomed the NHSScotland national cleaning services specification and called for its implementation across Scotland on all healthcare sites.

"This Scotland-wide recognition of the importance of cleaning staff as part of the healthcare workforce is what UNISON has been arguing for, for a long time." said Simon Macfarlane, UNISON's Scottish Lead Officer for Ancillary staff.

" It is also important that it applies across the Healthcare spectrum - to private and voluntary agencies as well as the NHS. The union also pointed to the important focus the document gives to training and development, but said that fair pay was also needed to ensure staff were given their proper value by NHS Boards

"The stress laid on proper training and development is very important if we are to drive out Hospital Acquired Infection, said Simon.

"But cleaning staff need also to have their important place in healthcare acknowledged by a fair pay rate. One that reflects that essential role in preventing infection."

Simon also said that the logic of the specifications was that staff should be employed directly by the NHS.

"If proof were needed that cleaning should be done by properly paid, trained members of an in-house healthcare team them I think this document provides it. It is necessary for public, patient and staff safety. It is sensible for co-ordination, flexibility and teamwork, and it is desirable to ensure standards, training and development are maintained."


For Further Information Please Contact: Simon Macfarlane(Lead Officer -Ancillary staff) 0845 355 0845(w) 07951491835(m) Jim Devine (Scottish Organiser - Health) 0845 355 0845(w) 07876441239 (m) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0845 355 0845(w) 0771 558 3729(m)




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