Monday 19 April 2004
Health Minister Supports Energy Awareness Training for Health
Training aimed at health professionals who work with vulnerable
people that have problems with cold, damp conditions in their home
is being given support today (19 April) by Health and Community
Care Minister, Malcolm Chisholm MSP.
The training is being delivered by fuel poverty charity Energy
Action Scotland with backing from National Grid Transco. UNISONScotland
and NHS Greater Glasgow Primary Care Division have also supported
the initiative.
Health workers such as district nurses, community midwives and
occupational therapists regularly see people whose living conditions
could be affecting their health. The purpose of the energy awareness
training is to help identify potential problems and encourage referrals
to energy advice staff and grant schemes for heating and insulation.
Minister for Health and Community Care, Malcolm Chisholm said:
"I applaud Energy Action Scotland for taking the initiative to develop
this course. It is an excellent example of joined up thinking in
action. It recognises that health improvement requires a multi agency
approach and highlights the important role health workers play in
tackling life circumstances like poor housing and fuel poverty,
both of which impact directly on people's health”.
Energy Action Scotland Director, Ann Loughrey said: "The links
between cold, damp housing and poor health are well-established
and we have found that there is a strong recognition of the problem
among health workers. Our aim is to establish a bridge between those
who deal with vulnerable people on a daily basis and those who can
provide heating systems, insulation and energy advice for those
who need it most.”
Ian Reid, Chief Executive, NHS Greater Glasgow Primary Care Division,
said: "Our frontline health professionals work in the heart of local
communities and are therefore in an ideal position to raise awareness
of the grants schemes available. Staff are also able, through their
everyday work, to identify people who are most at risk and refer
them on to the relevant agencies to ensure they receive the vital
help and support they need.”
John Taylor, Government Relations Manager, National Grid Transco
commented: "With energy awareness training, frontline health workers
are ideally
placed to identify fuel poor households and ensure that they are
to relevant organisations to receive the help they need."
Dave Watson, UNISON's Scottish Organiser for Utilities added: "Health
visitors and other professionals who visit people in their home
can now both identify fuel poverty as a problem and have information
on measures to deal with it. It has been really useful both to the
work of our health members and our campaign to eradicate fuel poverty
to be able to co-operate in developing and delivering this training."
- ends -
For further information contact:
Elizabeth Gore, PR/Information Manager, Energy Action Scotland on
tel: 0141 226 3064 or email:
Editor's notes:
1. ‘Energy Awareness for Health Professionals' is a half day course
which aims to demonstrate the link between energy efficiency in
the home and health. It covers the scale of fuel poverty in Scotland
and its links with poor health; the common ways of heating the home
and associated costs; energy use in the home and how it can be reduced;
the causes of condensation dampness and associated health problems
associated with mould growth; sources of assistance available to
those living in fuel poverty.
2. Energy Action Scotland is the national charity which aims to
eliminate fuel poverty by:
- raising awareness of fuel poverty, particularly as it affects
low income households; maintaining fuel poverty as a national issue
of high priority; and working towards affordable warmth for all;
- identifying effective solutions which can transform cold, damp
houses into warm, dry homes;
- researching fuel poverty and related issues in order to provide
in-depth understanding of the causes and effects and to promote
best practice;
- securing public and private investment in domestic energy efficiency
3. Fuel poverty is the inability to afford adequate warmth in the
home. This is due to a combination of poor energy efficiency of
the dwelling, high price of domestic fuel and low disposable household
4. In Scotland, energy efficiency improvements in the domestic
sector are available under local authority or housing association
improvement plans or the Scottish Executive-funded grant schemes
the Warm Deal and the Central Heating Programme which are managed
by Eaga Partnership Ltd. Households eligible for a Warm Deal grant
include those who are in receipt of a range of state benefits. Home
owners or those in the private rented sector aged 60 or over who
do not have central heating are among those who may be eligible
for the Central Heating Programme. For more information, contact
0800 316 1653. Most gas and electricity companies run energy efficiency
schemes under the Energy Efficiency Commitment.