4 December 2003
Nursery nurse dispute - UNISON condemns employers misinformation
UNISON, the union representing Scotland's nursery nurses in dispute,
today blamed 'misinformation, silly games and intransigence' on
the part of employers for delaying a resolution to the dispute.
The union condemned Glasgow City Council's letter to all its nursery
nurses outlining an offer that the Council knew had been rejected
weeks before.
"Rather than playing silly games, the council would be better going
back to CoSLA to reopen talks at a Scottish level." said Joe Di
Paola, (UNISON's Scottish Organiser for local government).
"Glasgow nursery nurses rejected this offer both because it was
virtually the same as the previously rejected Scottish recommendation,
and because they want a Scottish settlement."
Carol Ball, Chair of UNISON's Scottish Nursery Nurses Working Party,
condemned misinformation from CoSLA.
"Far from being imposed from the top, as a recent CoSLA spokesperson
implied, the demand for a Scottish settlement of this dispute comes
directly from the nursery nurses. At meeting after meeting they
have rejected local offers and called for a Scottish solution to
this Scottish problem."
She also attacked CoSLA's refusal to address the issue. "Simply
refusing to deal with this dispute at a Scottish level will not
make it go away."
She said, "This kind of intransigence shows the lack of concern
councils have for the value of their nursery nurses and for the
education of children."
UNISON branches have been undertaking a variety of selective action
across Scotland in the last week. Further selective action will
affect different nurseries next week.
For Further Information Please Contact:
Joe Di Paola (Scottish Organiser - Local Govt) 0845 355 0845(w)
07990 505698(m) Carol Ball (Chair Nursery Nurse WP) 0141-552 7069(o)
07803 952263 (m) Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0845 355 0845(w) 0771 558 3729(m)
Nurse minisite