29 July 2003
3-day nursery nurse strike action hits Central Scotland and Dundee
The next phase of the UNISON nursery nurse strike action has hit
Stirling and Falkirk today and will start in Dundee on 30 July.
Three days of strike action in each authority will close day nurseries
and children and family centres as the nursery nurses' campaign
for a fairer pay deal intensifies.
The action forms part of a six week programme involving UNISON
branches throughout Scotland and builds on the momentum of Scotland-wide
strikes and 'work to rule' since May 2003.
This round of action will be followed next week, by West and East
Dunbartonshire on 5, 6, 7 August.
Joe Di Paola, UNISON's Scottish Organiser for Local Government,
said: "This strike action builds on the very successful action taken
in May and June, and demonstrates to CoSLA that they have been unable
to have a respite over the summer. Elected members in COSLA are
becoming increasingly isolated by their refusal to resolve this
dispute, and many people - including the parents whose kids' care
is being disrupted - are beginning to question their authorities'
commitment to Early Years services."
Rory Malone, UNISON Dundee City Branch Secretary said: "UNISON
has been overwhelmed by the public support for nursery nurses. It's
a shame CoSLA is wasting the summer with an exercise in sidetracking
the issue instead of moving to end the dispute. This is the second
six weeks of very solid action. The nursery nurses are absolutely
determined to win their claim."
Nursery Nurses in ordinary nursery schools and classes are only
on £13,800 at the top of their grade. They have been taking action
since May 2003 for a deal to recognise their two-year training and
the host of additional duties they have taken on. Their last review
was 15 years ago.
Note for Editors: Photo Opportunity Dundee 1 August: Nursery
Nurses will be gathering in the City Square Dundee to demonstrate
the kind of childcare and educational skills that they deliver as
part of their job. From 11am until 2.00pm there will be activities
for kids in the City Square.
For Further Information Please Contact: Joe Di Paola (Scottish
Organiser - Local Gov't)0845 355 0845 (o) 07790 505 698 Rory Malone
UNISON Dundee Branch Secretary 01382 224948(o) 07967 673 234(m)
Chris Bartter (Communications Officer) 0845 355 0845(o) 0771 558
See Nursery
Nurse Campaign pages for full details of future action