Subject to the outcome of second ballots, the
following guidance has been approved by SPRIG to assist organisations
by ensuring that staff are provided with accurate information
at appropriate stages throughout the transition period from General
Whitley Council to Agenda for Change (AfC) conditions of service.
- Job Advertisements
- Job Descriptions
- Content of letters of assimilation to Agenda for Change
Job Advertisements/Job Descriptions
This should be kept simple, Organisations should
ensure that the words "under review" are included in
sections of advertisements and job descriptions that relate to
pay (including on-call and unsocial hours), hours or work , leave
and any other contractual conditions of service referred to that
may change under AfC.
Once the outcome of the ballot is known and if
we proceed with AfC the following conditions service will change
from 1 December and should be included in job advertisements and
job descriptions as appropriate:
- New entitlements to annual leave and public holidays
- New hours of work for full time staff (37.5)
- New overtime rates of time and a half with double time being
paid only on public holidays
- Interim arrangements for unsocial hours and/or on-call.
It will still be necessary to quote current salaries
and insert the words "under review" until new AfC salaries
for posts have been agreed following the necessary job matching
or job evaluation processes.
Information for staff on assimilation
There are three stages to be considered
1 - If the ballot results are positive notification
has to be made to staff about the new conditions of service that
will apply with immediate effect
- Annual Leave/Public Holidays from 1 October 2004
- Overtime rates from 1 October 2004
- Hours of Work -
Protection/phased approach for current
staff commencing 1 December 2004
37.5 for full time staff appointed on
or after 1 December 2004.
A template letter (attached) has been prepared
for issue to all staff but given the timescales involved it may
be unrealistic to expect organisations to have these letters issued
individually before 1 December 2004. In order to ensure that staff
are aware of changes affecting them organisations are advised
to use as many communication channels as possible for this purpose,
eg newsletter, pay slips, inter and intranet sites to ensure that
staff are kept fully aware of developments. The Scottish Executive
Press Office are currently considering the issue of a press announcement
on Agenda for Change. (Letter issue date - December 2004)
2 - Assimilation letter (to follow) giving full
details of conditions of service under Agenda for Change once
the job matching/job evaluation exercise has been concluded for
each post or group of posts. (Letter issue date - as and when
new pay bands agreed)
3 - A final assimilation letter (to follow) for
staff who undertake unsocial hours and/or on-call duties once
the new arrangements are agreed and replace the interim regime.
(Letter issue date - prior to new arrangements being implemented
in April 2006).
Janis Millar
General Manager - Agenda for Change
Pay Modernisation Team
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