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NHS Agenda For Change SPRIG Papers


Agenda for Change
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Health Department Circular

Dear Colleague



1. This circular provides direction to Health Boards on how to implement arrangements for annual leave and public holidays in 2004/05, following the implementation of Agenda for Change from 1 December 2004, with an effective date of 1 October 2004.


2. Under the new Agenda for Change provisions, the number of public holidays available to NHSScotland staff decrease from five to four for the period between October 2004 and March 2005. In relation to annual leave the provision for most staff will increase under Agenda for Change. The new annual leave and general public holiday entitlement under Agenda for Change is set out in Annex A.

Approach to Implementation

3. Health Boards will be allowed to defer the Agenda for Change provisions in relation to public holidays until April 2005, providing that any public holiday entitlement granted to staff in addition to that stipulated under Agenda for Change is offset against any additional annual leave entitlement awarded to staff under Agenda for Change in 2004/05.

4. Deferring the public holiday provisions while offsetting these against any additional annual leave will allow Boards to meet the demand from staff for time off around Christmas and New Year while still maintaining the required level of cover within a manageable level of cost. This will also ensure that any plans staff have already put in place for annual leave are not disturbed, as off-setting against annual leave will only apply to additional annual leave resulting from the application of Agenda for Change.


8 December 2004



For action

Chief Executives, NHS Scotland Boards, Operating Divisions and Special Health Boards

Directors of Finance, NHS Scotland Boards, Operating Divisions and Special Health Boards

DIrectors of HR, NHS Scotland Boards, Operating Divisions and Special Health Boards

For information

Members, Scottish Partnership Forum

Members, HR Forum

Members of SPRIG


Enquiries to:

Mrs Grace Brash

Directorate of Human Resources

GF Rear

St Andrew's House


Tel: 0131-244 4192

Fax: 0131-244 2837

E-mail: grace.brash@scotland.gsi.gov.uk




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