Burgess, , David Esplin, , Lynne Khindria, Hamish Johnston, Alex Killick, Gillian
Lenaghan, Dorothy McKinney, Patricia McNally, Mike Palmer, Brian Steven, , Melanie
Stewart, John Turner, Gordon Walker, Rona Webster.
of meeting held on 8 September were approved with a word change to Point 4. The
new wording reads: Discussion concentrated on the use of generic job descriptions
and concerns that they might have a tendency to standardise the approach which
is causing a high level of anxiety on a professional and geographical basis.
asked again about the position on claims for Equal Pay. Unison reiterated their
position regarding possible backdating of claims for 6 years. The position will
be clarified by 22 September.
National Update
is being sought regarding payments to staff whilst on annual leave. There are
financial implications and a meeting to discuss this has been arranged for Friday
24 September in Leeds. Colin McGowan, Janis Millar, David Robertson and Calum
Scott will attend.
proposed use of template job descriptions is still causing some concern. SPRIG
guidance which is on the website will be revised, discussed and agreed at the
meeting on 22 September. It was accepted that there is a need for a consistent
approach by all Boards. It was also emphasised the need for individual members
of staff to sign agreement to any new Job Description. SPRIg will continue to
agree guidance for Boards but clarification is required re the issuing of any
authoritative direction. It is important to ensure that work already done by some
Boards is not discarded as a result of any new guidance. A request was made for
a view on the state of progress by each Board. Janis Millar said she had some
information and would gather more. She was also in the process of reviewing papers
from West Lothian and would bring them along to the meeting on 22 September.
POINT: Janis Millar
It was recognised that time and resources for the matching process were the main
issues. Various options for timetabling and progression of the work were debated
together with payroll capacity and preferred approaches on how this could be managed.
This will be further addressed in one of the future themed meetings.
Reid mentioned the backfill cost for Glasgow and said that CE's will want to consider
any solutions that would reduce this. It was recognized that this is a considerable
problem for many.
were still some concerns about getting individuals to sign up to job descriptions
and the acceptance of national profiles. Some national profiles are still to be
Work on the T&Cs handbook was nearly finished and it should be available soon.
events for JE and T&Cs were well attended and a KSF one is planned for 28
are 2 new Administrative staff in the AfC PMU team, Caroline Nicol and Fiona Clark.
"train the trainers" courses will be starting in October and run through
to January '05. There are some concerns about the timescales for this and the
fact that it is the same group of people who have been involved on the other courses.
The dates are in line with National Guidelines although it may be necessary to
agree an extension beyond Jan 05. Reasons for any slippage would need to be communicated
to the service.
A request was made for a training session for members of SPRIG. Janis Millar would
look into this.
POINT: Janis Millar
Annual Leave
and Public Holidays
The paper produced
by Janis Millar was discussed. A 4th option was added which was rolling
together entitlement for the next 6 months with next years entitlement and rolling
it forward to 2006. Further discussion on this was required and Janis agreed to
produce another paper for the next meeting.
POINT: Janis Millar
Work done by West Lothian
using the new framework has resulted in most posts being rebanded and taking them
out of protection requirements. David Renshaw said that some new profiles were
still needed for some groups. A paper will be produced for SPRIG for the next
POINT: Eddie Egan
Any new guidance would need to ensure that people did not use unsuitable profiles
when matching.
other posts within Special Health Boards also need to be looked at. David Renshaw
and Janine Emerson agreed to get together on this.
POINT: David Renshaw / Janine Emerson
information on Payroll staff is due out soon.
papers have now been issued.
posts had been re matched by staff in West Lothian and the results moved many
of the posts into a higher band. If these results were agreed and translated across
the UK the need for protection might be removed. A formal report on the work done
will be produced for SPRIG.
issues outstanding include the Use of Recruitment and retention premia, SN2 linked
grade, supervision of new starts working 37½ hours and job profile and matching
of therapy posts. West Lothian offered to test and evaluate a therapy post.
Renshaw will bring a paper to SPRIG next week on CAJE.
POINT: David Renshaw
of TU ballots:
Amicus - results due by 12 November.