Lifelong learning information
What is Lifelong Learning?
government's Lifelong Learning policy for Scotland is
about ‘personal fulfilment and enterprise, employability
and adaptability, active citizenship and social inclusion'.
What does that mean?
For UNISON it means trying to encourage a culture
in which education and training is available and accessible
for everyone.
UNISON has been at the forefront of developing lifelong
learning for people called non traditional learners,
that is people who have had a poor experience of learning
in the past, people who lack confidence in their own
abilities or who feel school was so long ago that they
could never study again.
However by learning UNISON doesn't mean just getting
the skills needed to do a particular job. Lifelong Learning
should mean learning in the broadest sense, gaining
skills and confidence to progress and participate in
work, in the union and in the wider community.
UNISON wants to make sure that as many members as possible
have opportunities for learning at work. This is why
UNISON has put so much time and money into the development
of the Return to Learn programme. Increasingly Return
to Learn is being delivered in the workplace through
partnership with the employers and the Workers Educational
Association. This approach enables UNISON to reach many
of the ‘non traditional learners'. As part of this approach
UNISON has developed the role of Union Learning Representative.
For more information on Lifelong Learning and how to
organise training please contact Nancy Kelly. Tel:
0845 355 0845, email: Learning
& Organising Unit UNISON 14 West Campbell Street Glasgow
G2 6RX.
What do Union Learning Reps do?
UNISON recognises that this is an opportunity to draw
in a new group of activists and we provide training
for them in their role as ULRs.This is not some sort
of pseudo careers adviser but someone who can talk with
their colleagues about training and education, who knows
and can promote UNISON courses, who knows where to direct
people who need information about further education
or how to access funding for learning.
Other work can include:
- Encouraging colleagues to join courses such as Return
to Learn and supporting them while they are learning
- Helping to identify and highlight the learning needs
of people in their workplace
- Raising awareness of lifelong learning issues in
their UNISON branch
- Working with the branch to encourage learners into
branch activity
- Liaising with employers and experienced branch negotiators
on lifelong learning opportunities
in the work place
- Negotiating a learning agreement with your employer
- Working with branch officers especially the branch
education officer to promote lifelong learning opportunities
For more information on Lifelong Learning and how to
organise training please contact Lucanne Strachan
Learning & Organising Unit UNISON 14 West Campbell Street
Glasgow G2 6RX or 0845 355 0845.
Lifelong Learning -The Role of the Branch
The easiest way for a branch to get to grips with Lifelong
Learning is for experienced branch activists, especially
the branch education officer, to liaise directly with
They can also target groups of members e.g. Return
to Learners and offer them the chance to train as ULRs
once they have completed R2L and seen how pleasurable
and fulfilling learning can be.
A crucial role for ULRs is to make the link with the
bargaining agenda. By using information gathered from
colleagues training issues can be raised directly with
the employer and linked with existing issues i.e. the
Knowledge and Skills Framework.
Information gathered can also be used to begin negotiations
with employers on the establishment of a Workplace Learning
Agreement that would guarantee equality of access to
training for all not just those who already have qualifications.
Regular contact between ULRs and the branch is very
important. The great strength of the ULR is their ability
to promote education to the very groups that make up
the majority of UNISON members but who are in the minority
at activist level-low paid, part time, women and ethnic
As ULRs gain confidence they will be recognised in
their workplace as a very positive face of UNISON, bringing
positive benefits to the branch and to UNISON in general.
For more information on Lifelong Learning and how to
organise training please contact Lucanne Strachan
Learning & Organising Unit UNISON 14 West Campbell Street
Glasgow G2 6RX or 0845 355 0845.
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