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Morning Briefing Tuesday 19th June

Welcome to sunny Brighton

This is the first in a series of daily bulletins produced by the Communications & Campaigns Committee, along with Regional Delegates Mike and Mary. Officers
L to R; Robin Hunter Scottish Rep on Standing Orders; Mike Kirby and Mary Crichton, Scottish Region reps; Matt Smith, Scottish Secretary

This is not a ‘News' service after the event (after all you were there), it is for briefing delegates before the debates. That is not as easy as it looks since we often don't know when the debate will be coming up!

However we will also try to report on some debates in these bulletins and on the website to help branches report back. See your pack for more details. If you need to contact the team, see Mike Kirby or Mary Crichton at the Regional Delegates seats (see seating plan) or grab John Stevenson (carefully) at the City of Edinburgh delegation seats.

Please avoid coming up to the Newsheet Area. Space is very limited this year and even we are not allowed all the team members in at once.

Comp F (Trade Union Rights) changed

A new composite F has been issued (see your Standing Orders report) and there is now no Amendment F.1 or F.2.

Scotland had a problem with F.1 (63.1) which called for repeal of all anti trade union laws, rather than the more constructive approach in F which sets challenges to the government to further extend trade union rights. 63.1 is now in the Composite and the issue of concern has been dropped.

F.2 which called for affiliation compared to the Scottish position, to ‘enter into discussion' as in the main motion, has now been withdrawn.

Support Comp F

Are you sitting comfortably? (are you sitting at all?)

Perceptive delegates will have spotted a teeny problem with the Conference Seating plan this year.

Small insignificant slip-ups like branches missed out, people allocated to sit on each others' knees and wrong numbering have crept into an otherwise perfect diagram.

Perfectionists as we are, we decided to re-print the Plan (well, get Chris Bartter to re-print the plan) and have new copies rushed down to Brighton. These were handed out at the Scottish Branches Meeting last night and there will be a few available from the Briefings Team.

At risk of sounding like Shaggy, it really wasn't us!

NOTE: If the diagram is still wrong, try some ‘free form' seating like some of the more avant-garde delegates to the Local Government Conference

Having trouble getting information?

Scottish Communications Officer Chris Bartter urgently needs information from branches for a press query re freedom of information.

Have you had any difficulty in getting information from non direct public sector bodies? These may be private companies, PFI consortia, arms-length trusts, voluntary sector bodies etc.

Please phone Chris as soon as possible on 0141 332 0006, or 0771 558 3729

Women's Self Organisation

The amendment proposes women's officers in each region.This fails to recognise the review of structures and staffing currently underway and referred to in the annual report.

The proposals in the amendment would require every region to have a women's officer which takes away from the different needs of different regions and the deployment of staff.

The South and South East regions continue to exist in lay structures but are served by one staffing and structure across two regions which has a women's officer. In Scotland there is agreement between the Scottish Secretary and the Scottish Committee on the appropriate support for all service groups, standing committees and self organised bodies.

Support motion 46 Oppose amendment 46.1.

Motion 52 - Tuition Fees

Motion 52 on tuition fees can be supported but amendment 52.3 which supports a non-payment campaign should be opposed. As well as being contrary to the students' union, the NUS, it would add to financial difficulties which students face.

Support motion 52 Oppose amendment 52.3

Young Workers and Temporary Contracts (motion 49) and Fair Wages and a Two-tier Workforce (composite D)

Motion 49 calls for guidelines to assist branches in minimising and regulating the use of temporary workers, recognising the increased vulnerability of young people.

The effect of privatisation and TUPE in creating a two tier workforce could be addressed by re-introducing a fair wages clause into contracts. 38 - 40 and the Scottish amendments provide this in Comp D and should be supported.

The Highland amendment 38.1 calls for the tightening up of the TUPE regulations to include pension rights. Glasgow City's amendment 38.2 adds to the motion referring to the recent transfer of Trunk Roads workers.

Support motion 49 Support composite D

Composite E - Living Wage

UNISON's Campaign for a Living Wage has done much to bring the problem of low pay to the attention of the public and policy makers. But we still have to achieve many of our aims and objectives. Our actions remain critical to sustainnig the campaign.

Support composite E

Annual ‘spot the frock' competition.

Anne Middleton (Depute Scottish Secretary) is renowned for as many changes of dress as Alma Cogan (that should sort the oldies from the young delegates).

But this year she confessed to an undercover Scotland in UNISON reporter that she had brought only one suitcase.

So to keep you on your toes this week, we are offering a highly valuable prize for photographic evidence of any frock worn twice by Ms Middleton.

Answers please to the Briefings Team by Thursday lunchtime (it means she can wear what she likes on Friday).
