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New Migrant Worker Project (Highlands & Islands)

Marta Chaba
Marta Chaba
European Social Fund

Marta Chaba UNISON Learning & Organising Migrant Workers Fieldworker has joined the Inverness Resource Centre Team.

She will work in Highlands & Islands in order to identify and address training needs of migrant workers across a range of sectors in the area.

Marta is a Polish national and over the last few years she has worked as a Social Worker at the Highland Council and also as a Migrant Worker Project Officer at the Citizens Advice Bureau.

"My personal and professional experience proves that migrant workers are often in a disadvantaged position because of limited language skills and lack of training. As a result of this they lack confidence and need additional support to settle down in the country. Skills gained through Lifelong Learning would help them to integrate with the local community and become more confident.

"I noticed that this group has limited knowledge of available learning opportunities. Migrant workers are spending most of their time at work and they will often be interested in what is available there and will often engage with trade unions. At this stage trade union may be the key agency for informing newcomers about the opportunities of further development."

The number of overseas nationals registered as working in the HIE area has doubled in the last two years. The project worker will help to identify and quantify demand and then begin to organise courses and provide assistance.

The project worker will furthermore develop a trade union model of good practice for successful social integration of migrant workers in the workplace. Marta Chaba invites to contact her directly by emails m.chaba@unison.co.uk

