Congress backed a range of measures
to support the black and minority ethnic
community in the workplace, in the face
of continuing discrimination even in
the 21st Century. This will include positive
action programmes, targeted training
and a sharing of good practice.
the motion on behalf of the Black Members
Conference, UNISON’s Ismail
Donmez said that despite legislation
outlawing any form of direct and indirect
discrimination, it still goes on, especially
when it comes to career progression.
“Congress knows well that institutional
racism is a reality and we cannot afford
to slow down in our war against it,” warned
He thanked trade unions and the
STUC for creating and running training
to support BME members to develop their
management potential and secure their
share of management positions within
the workplace.
“The question however
remains, despite all this support, ‘Why
are there so few managers from the BME
communities?’ said Ismail, pointing
to research which showed that BME staff
are still less likely than non BME staff
to be in leadership and management positions.
“Having BME staff in senior positions
is important as they act as role models
for other BME staff, providing a confidence
boost and increased expectations of what
they can aspire to,” said Ismail,
adding that they also normalise diversity,
change perceptions and make career progression
more appealing for a greater number of
However, a lot of work still
needs to be done to remove the barriers
by the BME communities in their struggle
for career progression.
18 April 2013