against a single 'correctional' agency
Cut re:offending-not local services
Dear Colleagues
Following on from the Executive's recent consultation on
reducing re-offending in Scotland, UNISON is extremely concerned
that the Executive now seem determined to press ahead with
plans to create a new single 'correctional' agency merging
the Scottish Prison Service (SPS) with Criminal Justice
Social Work (CJSW) services.
Over the last 12 months UNISON Scotland has played its
full part in trying to influence the direction of this legislation
at the political level. We have met with Ministers, submitted
a lengthy response to the Executive consultation on re-offending
and submitted written evidence to the Justice 1 Committee
Inquiry into the rehabilitation of prisoners.
Yet, despite the weight of evidence that demonstrates the
inability of such agencies to effectively tackle re-offending
and the strength of opposition to the creation of such an
agency in Scotland, the Executive still appears committed
to establishing this model.
As a consequence we now need to step up our campaign. Enclosed
is a campaign leaflet that outlines our main arguments against
the single agency. Using these arguments we ask that Branches
organise UNISON delegations to MSPs surgeries to outline
their concerns and also that individual members write to
their MSPs.
I would also be extremely grateful if Branches/members
could forward copies of any correspondence that they receive
from MSPs on this issue to Michael Byers at the P&I Team
in West Campbell Street so we can identify support or otherwise
for our position.
Yours Sincerely
Joe DiPaola
Scottish Organiser - Local Government