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Pool your ideas

UNISONScotland's new Policy Pools have been working hard to make sure our view is heard in parliament.

This radical new way of working involves asking members to comment directly on policy. SiU and the website are being used to try and involve members with direct knowledge of a range of topics.

Mike Kirby, UNISON's Scottish Convenor, says, "With the creation of the Scottish Parliament, the need for UNISON to represent our members through responses to consultations etc. has grown tremendously.

"We realise that with a Scottish membership of nearly 150,000 there is a fair chance of some of our members knowing a lot about some issues. We had to come up with a way of asking them directly."

"I now want to appeal to members to come forward.", said Mike.

The Pools mirror the structure of the parliament so we can respond within very short timescales, but they do not substitute for the union's normal policy making structures.

Recent responses from the Pools include:

  • Funding Scotland's public services
  • Council House Stock Transfers;
  • European Integration and its effect on public spending
  • Equal Opportunities for disadvantaged groups (especially Black, Disabled, Lesbian and Gay People)

The full text of these and many others are available on the website.

If you are interested in bringing your knowledge to the Pools, contact Matt Smith on 0141 332 0006