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Siu Index
May/June 2007 No 67

Stirling branch in Belarus link

UNISON members and the UNISON branch in Stirling are combining to ensure that one of its members can carry on the valuable work he has been doing for children in Belarus.

Brian Smith (a UNISON member and receptionist in Stirling's Environment Services) does voluntary work for a charity called Buskit which helps children in Belarus. Not simply by donating now and again, but by giving up his own time and going out to Belarus every July to physically help the children there.

  • Buskit delivers 25 tonnes of aid, food, clothes, beds, toys, toiletries etc. each year.
  • They perform concerts for the children who have leukemia
  • They do playgroups/ games/ music groups for the children who are in remission l They paint hospital wards with cartoon characters l
  • They hand out toys at hospitals

They donate all the money raised to keep the charity hospital in Belarus operational. Without their funding it would have closed three or four years ago. Each member of the charity needs to raise £650 to cover their own costs and each year this gets harder.

This year his workmates have rallied round and are using a 'dress down' day on Friday 25 May to help Brian continue the tremendous work he and the charity do. The Stirling Branch has agreed to donate £250 (or any shortfall) to the appeal.

Andy Douglas, UNISON Branch Treasurer said "This was an important decision for the branch to take. I have spoken to Brian and he is delighted with the sum, and has promised to report back on this year's trip."

Andy also said he is proposing that Stirling UNISON assist the charity on an annual basis. The UNISON money will be specifically used for 18 fold-up beds. These beds will be used for the parents of the sick children who come to stay over. Previously they would have slept on the floor.

If any other branches or individuals wish to donate towards this very rewarding charity please send your donations to Buskit at UNISON Office, Room 006, Viewforth, Stirling FK8 2ET. Brian can be contacted on smithb2@stirling.gov.uk

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